PDSA’s PetAid hospitals will provide more than 2.2 million treatments to sick and injured pets and more than 360,000 preventive treatments this year, which will cost over £53 million to deliver. The charity is funded entirely by public support, mainly through gifts in wills, donations and trading.
We are proud of our heritage and our achievements. For it is these that have made PDSA what it is today: the UK's leading veterinary charity.pdsa, veterinary, charity, pet, vet, animal, dog, puppy, cat, kitten, rabbit, best friends, regular giving, donation, legacy, gerbil, guinea pig, sick, injured, treatment, health, will, insurance, pet. PDSA Pet Aid Hospital is located in the Cardiff area of Cardiff. There is 1 other listing in the CF10 postcode area. Veterinarians in Cardiff CF10Number of Employees: 1001-5000